Don't be angry; I've been busy! life is crazy. School, work, church, homework, and procrastinating all add up to one doozy of a busy life. In the midst of it all, however, you'll be glad to know that I haven't used shampoo at all. I've got a little routine down: Wash with baking soda and vinegar (that sounds very chemistry class-y) on Fridays, and then wash with conditioner on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, taking no-hair-wash showers in between.
Guess what? My hair has gotten better! It now takes 3-4 days to get as greasy as it used to in only 1 or 2. My hair feels healthier and more manageable. I used to straighten my bangs all the time to keep them from going all 80's on me. Now I've put away my straightener for good! My hair is shinier and softer. I'm due to get a trim pretty soon, which will just add to the wonderfulness. :o)
My favorite trick now is to braid my hair in two cute l'il French braids on each side, spritzing with spray gel. In the morning I have soft, shiny waves that work their kinks out in no time! I love it! I'm going to start trying to work up to only a week per wash, probably with the soda/vinegar concoction. Strange as it may seem, this really is awesome stuff. The first time I used it (on actual Day 8... ha), my hair felt so soft afterward. It was wonderful. Here's how to recreate the magic:
Step 1: Mix baking soda and water together to make a paste (above). Make enough of this to use on your head :o)
Step 2: Mix equal parts water and apple cider vinegar (if you use 100% ACV, you'll smell like a salad ;).
In the shower, scrub your scalp with the baking soda paste. remember that this doesn't lather easily and all pretty-like like shampoo does; it feels chalky and almost dry on your hair when you try to scrub. But it does clean like a dream. Use a wide-toothed comb to get the stuff all through your hair, and then rinse off. It rinses pretty easily.
Next, pour the vinegar solution over your scalp to rinse the hair. I also rinse with water afterward, since the vinegar smell does hang around. :)
And yer done! Style hair as usual (I use suave smoothing cream or spray gel), and enjoy your naturally clean, soft locks!
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