
Friday, May 11, 2012

That Awesome Moment When You Feel Like a Genius...

So I recently switched around the furniture in my bedroom. I like doing that every so often; it makes me feel fresh and accomplished. :)

But there was this one corner that bugged me. I only had a chair sitting in this corner. No vintage picture on the wall, nothing pretty, just blah. An off-white wall. No fun.

So I decided, keeping with the generally vintage/girly theme of my room and my own vintage/girly roots, to make a sort of bulletin board... a vintage/girly bulletin board. Here's what I did: (sorry for the less-than-desirable picture lighting... it was a cloudy day, my room only has one window, and I detest using flash :}

I started with three lengths of wide ribbon I had laying around, about three feet in length. I had two white ribbons and one blue, and I decoratively nipped the ends... vintage-style :)

I then secured the large ribbons to the wall using straight pins (very sophisticated, I know), hot-gluing buttons over the pinhead to hide it. I put up the blue ribbon, situated in the middle, first...

...And then I put up the white ribbons on either side, about eight inches away. The next step was hot gluing favorite pictures, magazine snippets, vintage-looking cards, ribbon bows, buttons, and other fun stuff to my "board."

And yes... there are photos of me and my significant other :) The great thing about hot glue is that while it secures your pictures and memorabilia to the ribbon, it does so without permanently attaching them, so it's quite easy to take stuff off and put on new things!

Hope you enjoyed my moment of genius... I was super pleased with myself! Though, with my luck, someone probably has had this idea (and posted it on the internet) for years now. Oh, well!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Springy Day Photo Shoot

Spring comes pretty shyly here in northwestern PA... It's usually May before we can all sigh and fear winter's bone no more. So one sunshiny day last week me and my little brother Dorian celebrated spring by getting some pictures outside.

We laugh at this one, 'cause it looks like he's eating one of the dandelions :)

But here he actually is eating one! (He put it in his mouth, but I discouraged him from actually ingesting it :)

This was his idea. I promise.

Making Wishes :)

Silly boy!

So there you have it! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fourth Time's a Charm

  So this is about the fourth blog I've had, and hopefully this is the one I'll keep. My first two I tired of quickly, mostly because I ran out of things to say. And my third one was on Wordpress. No offence to anyone who likes Wordpress, but I like Blogger better. It's simpler. It's less confusing. It's more customizable.
  This site will be my way of getting out of a rut and doing grand and adventurous things. I spend way too much time perusing the internet and not living! If I have to blog about stuff, I'll have to do it first. I'll still be spending time on the internet, but not as much ;)
   So this is, I suppose, a sorry little intro, but better stuff is coming; I promise :)